Last Week’s Top AI News (4.12– 10.12)

5 min readDec 10, 2023

Based on the latest AI news from December 4 to December 10, 2023, several significant developments and announcements have been made in the field of AI. Here’s a simple and straightforward summary:

As we step into the heart of December, the AI field is buzzing with activity and innovation. Let’s take a look at the major developments from December 4th to December 10th, 2023.

IBM’s Quantum Leap — Dec 4, 2023:

IBM made significant strides in quantum computing with the unveiling of the IBM Quantum System Two and the IBM Quantum Heron processor.

This new processor represents a substantial improvement in error rates and is a step forward in IBM’s roadmap to enhance quantum computing by 2033.

The IBM Quantum System Two combines scalable cryogenic infrastructure and classical runtime servers with modular qubit control electronics, setting a foundation for future quantum computing systems​​.

Legal Developments in AI — Dec 6, 2023:

The legal landscape for AI is evolving. A significant ruling by the Beijing Internet Court recognized that a creator using generative AI holds copyright over the…




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